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Place your order 1-2-3

  1. Login 

  2. Choose “Place your order” on the first page

  3. Sign Up, Registration of your name, Email, Password and Phone Number

  4. Receive Client Code and promotion code $5 discount coupon for first order

  5. Choose the package from Sigle, Couple, Family size for your weekly groceries

  6. Choose the “Combo” suitable for you

  7. Choose “Delivery term option” for you, twice a week for 4 weeks,12 weeks, 24 weeks, 48 weeks, once a week for 4 weeks,12 weeks, 24 weeks, 48 weeks, prices discounted upon the longer term. (Month/ date/year)

  8. Choose “Quantity” “1 or 2” (once a week (Monday or Thursday), twice a week(Monday and Thursday)

  9. Additional information

  10. Choose other foods and products



Address, bank information & credit card information, cell phone number, email address (auto created accordingly)


Combo description:

Fresh organic groceries upon the seasons


Greeting letter with Payment statement for print out


Choose “Other products delivered with your groceries” or “Done for me”

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